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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


People have been migrating since centuries. They migrate due to several reasons; for economic reasons, to escape persecution, or for personal or sentimental reasons. But, the migration and resulted Multiculturism of the society that we are seeing in many western and asian cities today is primarily due to economic reasons, spurred by the phenomenon called ‘’Globalisation’’. 
However, of late, we are witnessing a wave of protectionism and to a certain extent  Xenophobic tendency in many western countries towards the immigrants from different cultures and society. Recently, in a speech ,German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed this fact that ''in Germany multiculturalism has failed''
Migration by most of the people these days ,is primarily economic in nature. They migrate to the ''West'' or the ‘’Gulf countries’’ to earn more money ,as, due to Globalisation, skilled workers are much in demand in these countries.  While migrating, they must also bear in their mind that, where they are going is not their country. The citizens with whom they are going to interact are not suppose to know the nuances of their culture. So, if they want to gain the respect of the native inhabitants, it is but incumbent on the immigrants to respect the native culture and behave accordingly.
The tendency to roam in groups and gather themselves in Ghettos will ultimately defeat the very purpose of an open and multicultural society. It’s a truth that every body loves their culture more. Moreover ,it’s very difficult to change one’s original culture even if you are living in a different country, still, the onus is on the immigrants to learn the basic requirements to accommodate themselves in the new society. Learning the national language and obeying the rules of the law are the bare minimums. If you are so averse of these things, why migrate in the first place?


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